
Life With Gohmert: Eric Holder Should Be in a Cell

Backwoods Sleuth4/21/2014 1:48:07 pm PDT

no words.

SC GOP candidate urges Christians to remove children from godless ‘Pharaoh’s schools’

A Republican candidate for South Carolina lieutenant governor says Christians should remove their children from public schools.
“It’s our hope and prayer that a fresh obedience by Christian families and educating their children according to biblical commands will prove to be a key for the revival of our families, our churches, and our nation,” said Ray Moore, a retired Army Reserves chaplain and president of Frontline Ministries.
Moore told a gathering of Tea Party activists at the April 12 Liberty Rally that Christians must leave the “Pharaoh’s school system” for religious schools or home schools.
“We cannot win this war we’re in as long as we keep handing our children over to the enemy to educate,” he told the crowd.