
Michele Bachmann: Obama Is Planning to Do Medical Experiments on Migrant Kids

lawhawk7/30/2014 5:23:44 pm PDT

I’m checking through my twitter feed. Notice Malkin pimping some Breitbart piece about the Tucson Sheriff’s claiming that there’s been 120,000 illegal aliens arrested in his sector.

Pinal County, AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu announced that over 120,000 illegal immigrants have been arrested in just the Tucson sector of the southern border. “We have [had] 123,000 illegals arrested right here in the Tucson sector” Babeu said on Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” He added that eight “cartel scouts” arrested in the last month. “close to 60,000, what’s predicted to be 90,000 by October 1 of unaccompanied juveniles” are expected cross the border in just the Del Rio Sector of Texas.

So, I’m piqued because there’s no time period associated, so this could be 1 year. 10 years. Or longer.

I’m digging into the Pima County Sheriff’s office statistics. They’ve got border-control related statistics. For 2008 through 2012 (inclusive), there were all of 902 arrests by the sheriff’s office border patrol units. There were another 1715 who were referred to border patrol for potential deportation. The agency’s general arrest statistics indicated that they had all of ~10,000 calls for service for 2013. That’s all calls.

Something stinks something rotten.