
A Beautifully Disturbing Sci-Fi Short: "The Shift"

lawhawk10/06/2014 6:12:25 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. The vaunted compassionate conservative / Christian compassion-filled with love social conservative right wing is completely off the rails.

The latest? Todd Kincannon thinks that the best way of dealing with Ebola is to execute the victims.

Former executive director of the South Carolina GOP, Trayvon Martin clairvoyant, ethics-free attorney, and avid penis self-photographer Todd Kincannon is proudly pro-life — with one exception, of course, in that he wishes Wendy Davis had been aborted. But he also recognizes that sometimes, in the face of a serious health crisis, you just need to man up and kill everyone who’s been infected or exposed. At Wonkette, we are sometimes given to exaggeration. But this is not an exaggeration: in a series of tweets on Saturday, Todd Kincannon, not satisfied with rightwing prescriptions like travel bans or embargoes on affected nations, literally advocated killing all Ebola patients, and napalming their villages for good measure, too.

That’s right, pro-lifer Kincannon wants to put down anyone with Ebola.

Welcome to the modern GOP, which would be at home with the auto-de-fe, which you oughtn’t do, but they’d want to do anyways.