
Rudy Giuliani Enters the "Non-Apology Apology" Phase of the Wingnut Cycle

lawhawk2/23/2015 12:48:25 pm PST

re: #141 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

What the fuck does it matter who was what? The traitor states openly declared that they’re seceding because of black slavery & white supremacy. Sapienti sat.

I know this. You know this, but this Twit doesn’t know/care. Even when it’s laid out for him in black and white in the language used by the very states that engaged in insurrection against the United States. They cited slavery as their key reason. It was what was driving them to continue down a path to secession and insurrection. It was their attempt to preserve slavery as a way of life and to extend it into the new territories out West, and to protect their property rights in persons who managed to escape from the South.

Again. It’s because there are lots of people out there who deny this background of the Civil War - that it was all about slavery, and later couched in terms of states’ rights, even though the South had no problem attempting to trump states’ rights when it suited them (Fugitive Slave Act).