
Watch Live: On 50th Anniversary of Selma, President Obama Speaks at the Edmund Pettus Bridge

Tigger23/07/2015 2:26:37 pm PST

re: #150 nines09

Did you see the turd he pinched off there?

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) denounced the Affordable Care Act and its health insurance exchanges on Saturday, calling instead for a “market-oriented” alternative in line with what many in his party support.

“We’ve created a monstrosity of consolidating power in Washington, D.C., suppressing wages, making it uncertain for investment. In fact, the greatest job suppressor in the so-called recovery that we’ve gone through is Obamacare. And I think replacing Obamacare with a market-oriented approach — that is, where local and state input starts to drive the policies away from this top-down system — is something I think we ought to be doing,”
Bush said at the Iowa Ag Summit, a forum on agriculture issues that also drew several other would-be presidential hopefuls.

Can you count all the dog whistle key words used in this dissertation on imbecility? Ignore the fact it’s an outright lie. They do.

“market-oriented” alternative”

Isn’t that pretty much what we had and it didn’t work.