
Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 8/4/15

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN8/05/2015 12:47:01 pm PDT

re: #148 Mattand

At this point, why not just fucking declare marital law and be done with it? There’s no difference at this point.

Ben Franklin Bridge to be closed for the weekend of Pope Francis’ visit in September

For you non-Philly area people, this basically turns downtown Philly, aka Center City, into a Snake Plisken movie. Literally, if you are in or even near Center City after 10 PM that Friday, you will, for all intents and purposes, be trapped there until Sunday.

The Secret Service does not do this for the President when he comes to Philly. Although in their defense, they’ve lately sucked at the job (I personally think someone on the Service is trying purposely to endanger him and his family.)

And then we have listen for 3 day about Pope Frank is going to lecture everyone on the need for religious liberty. Because Americans are soooooooooo deprived of that.

What a fucking joke.

A couple of issues. First, the Secret Service does not close the bridge when the President is in town for a couple of reasons, the biggest one is that he is only in town for a couple of hours at most, and not addressing a quarter million plus gathering of people. Second, the Pope is going to do more than just lecture people on religious liberty, and third, a lot of people don’t have the slightest frickin’ clue what religious liberty is.