
Marco Rubio: Close Down All the Places

A Mom Anon11/20/2015 1:00:57 pm PST

You know, I was thinking about this and how 9/11 kinda (kinda???) made this country lose it’s damned mind and then it occurred to me that the ONLY reason we’re not moving forward from there, and in fact drifting backwards is because of the fearmongering in the media which is then amplified 100x online. The graphics and music intros on the TV, the panicked tone on the radio, the newspaper headlines and the shit being recycled over and over online is what’s driving most of this. It’s not that terrorism is no threat at all, but this over exaggeration of what’s really happening is what is actually more scary than anything ISIL could be doing to us. Because it’s long term, it’s got into people’s heads and it’s spreading like an infection. What happened in Paris happens all over the world all the time. And yet it took an attack in France (home of the cheese eating surrender monkeys, for those who remember that bit of embarrassing stupidity) to bring back the fear?

We’re being turned on one another for a reason. The previous time was so that a few people could take a whole lot of money and line their pockets with it. Is that what’s happening now or is it something even worse? I wish I was smart enough to unravel it. I’m scared, and it’s not of ISIL.