
John Oliver Calls Out the Key Factors of the Mueller Report: Incompetence and Disobedience

ObserverArt4/22/2019 2:11:03 pm PDT

re: #121 Blind Frog Belly White

Impeachment being more a political process than a legal one is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, you really don’t need absolute evidence of violating the criminal code. On the other, even if you have it but can’t get 2/3 of the Senate to convict, you end up at a minimum wasting your time and possibly convincing a big chunk of the electorate that you’re just trying to undo an election you didn’t win.

Arguably, Bill Clinton should have resigned, because his impeachment was widely, and I think correctly, seen as a nakedly political attempt to undo the election of somebody the GOP really hated, the culmination of a years long smearfest by the Right. And the way it played out essentially poisoned Impeachment as a remedy for anything but maybe the President shooting an innocent person on live TV.

I’ve heard some Republicans say they don’t want to put the American people through another Clinton-like impeachment.

This after they put the American people through the Clinton impeachment.

In other words: we fucked it all up so now we cry about it because it’s all fucked up.

The great thing, that stance also protects Republicans. Win win!