
Marcus King Solo: "Inglewood Motel (Halestorm)"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))5/23/2024 8:45:24 am PDT

re: #130 Unabogie

There’s a reason Republicans hate mail-in ballots: it’s impossible to close polling stations or create artificially long lines to deter voting in Black neighborhoods. It’s impossible to make it illegal to provide water and shade to people. It’s impossible to send goons out with guns to make people afraid.

Mail-in voting is the best thing to happen to democracy in our history.

The only GOP antidote is to find an excuse not to count them.

There is no reason that they cannot be counted first, it is just the accepted practice that they are counted last because up until recently, they were pretty much evenly split between parties and rarely tipped the outcome.

But the GOP knows that will not be the case (as with 2020) and they will be pressing to end the count while their man is still ahead.