
Texas School Board Meeting Live-Blogged

Killgore Trout3/25/2009 5:11:46 pm PDT

Semi OT: Jonah Goldberg: Yeah, but the left is crazy too…..
Paranoid Style for Thee But Not For Me

But I just have a hard time listening to liberals grow suddenly high-brow and Ivy League serious about the paranoid style of the American Right. Where were these people for the last eight years when abject paranoid hysteria consumed the left flank of liberalism and threatened to capsize the entire enterprise? There are certainly elements on the Right that are prone to such things, but there are also elements on the Left that are just as prone to it. I will stack Naomi Wolfe up against any John Bircher. Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, the folks at ANSWER, Ward Churchill, are no less conspiratorial than your typical right-wing conspiracy theorist and some of them are not only worse, but far more accepted by the liberal establishment than their opposite numbers are by the conservative establishment.
But spare me the lectures if you can only find things to worry about to your right.

Distract from your own bad behavior by pointing to someone else is bad form. It didn’t work for the left and it’s no excuse for the right.