
Texas School Board Creationist On the Hot Seat

Alberta Oil Peon4/24/2009 7:25:01 pm PDT

It really boggles the mind that a dentist, of all people, could believe in Intelligent Design. What’s intelligent about the design of our teeth, after all? They cause pain when they first grow in. They are subject to cavities and malocclusion. We have wisdom teeth crop up in a jawbone that has no room for them. They are made of a brittle material that’s prone to chipping when you use them to open a bottle cap or strip insulation off electrical wires. An Intelligent Designer could have foreseen all those problems, and given us continuous stainless steel chompers with no gaps for food debris to get trapped in.

But, no. What do we get? Some second-hand ape teeth that never fit right, and fall out before we are through with them. Thanks a lot, Darwin.