
Texas Creationist School Board Chairman Gets the Boot

Catttt4/30/2009 10:24:33 pm PDT

Here is another article by Rob Boston about David Barton.

Sects, Lies and Videotape
David Barton’s Distorted History

It mentions all of the guy’s tapes, books, and such, and it shoots holes in a bunch of the assertions, showing the many factual errors and strange distortions. It also includes this:

Perhaps most alarming, Barton also has had a relationship with the racist and anti-Semitic fringes of the far right. According to Skipp Porteous of the Massachusetts-based Institute for First Amendment Studies, Barton was listed in promotional literature as a “new and special speaker” at a 1991 summer retreat in Colorado sponsored by Scriptures for America, a far-right ministry headed by Pastor Pete Peters. Peters’ organization, which is virulently anti-Semitic and racist, spreads hysteria about Jews and homosexuals and has been linked to neo-Nazi groups. (The organization distributes a booklet called Death Penalty For Homosexuals.)

Peters’ church is part of the racist “Christian Identity” movement. and three members of The Order, a violent neo-Nazi organization, formerly attended Peters’ small congregation in LaPorte, Cole. After members of The Order murdered Denver radio talk show host Alan Berg in the mid 1980s, critics of Peters’ ministry in Colorado charged that his hate-filled sermons had spurred the assassination.