
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

QueenEsther1/03/2010 11:11:48 am PST

One of the last posts I made on this site, which unfortunately doesn’t happen much any more, was to say that Pres. Obama couldn’t shine someone (I forget who)’s shoes. As I mentioned to those who jumped on that as being an unfortunate choice of phrase, it was not intended to be racist.

The phrase that someone “couldn’t shine someone’s shoes” is intended to mean that the person is not in the same league as someone, in terms of experience, class, knowledge, etc. It is a bit more complex than a moronic racial slur.

Also, as I mentioned in my last post some months ago, my family was in the shoe business, and my stepson is in ROTC, so shoe-shining is something that a person who has some respect for their appearance does, often times, for themselves.

I don’t see the need to flame out on this. It’s a bit juvenile, but as far as I’m concerned, it is not racist. Is every joke made at Obama’s expense to be considered racist? Are we that overly hyper sensitive?

And Charles. Maybe you couldn’t see your own position - the forest for the trees - but you were a leader in centrist conservative political realm. And it’s true that some nutbags are now rising to the top of the right political spectrum, but I would have hoped that you would help steer the ship in the “right” direction, rather than abandon it. Lgf still sits on my bookmarks bar, next to the Chicago Tribune, Drudge, and Google… but I don’t feel at home here anymore. I’m sorry to say it.