
Religion = Politics at BeckFest 2010

simoom8/28/2010 9:49:40 pm PDT

From BBC’s Beck rally write-up:

While there was no partisan politics on stage, there was plenty of it out in the crowd. And much of that was anti-Obama.

“We don’t like the way things are going,” said Ron Kilmer, of Springfield, Missouri. “It is being shoved in our face since Obama took office.”

He alluded to the “birthers”, those who believe Obama was not born in the US and therefore not eligible to be president, and also questioned the president’s religion. President Obama is a Christian.

“Where was he born and what religion is he? I believe he is a Muslim,” said Mr Kilmer.

Charles Rush came with friends from Tennessee for the rally and thought there was no problem that the event coinciding with the anniversary of King’s famous speech.

He said he respected Martin Luther King, adding: “Who is to say Glenn Beck is not as good as Martin Luther King, or better?”

To which I can just picture Glenn Beck saying, “Mission Accomplished.”