
Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: 'Maybe This Guy's Right'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/22/2011 4:33:41 pm PDT

re: #146 recusancy

That’s what I hate. The nihilists who’ve just given up and say fuck it to everything. I understand it’s easy to fall into but it’s lazy.

I don’t give up!

it’ ain’t like I’m gonna stop voting, or donating to candidates, or talking politics, or letting people have it online (and boy, the way I censor myself here, I try VERY hard to keep most of my internet persona from coming out, because otherwise it’d be bansville for me) but I remember being so pissed off at Bush (especially during teh Schiavo) that I lost a couple friends, and I was getting physical symptoms. What good does that do anyone?

But honestly, what else can I do, but sit here and get pissed off in about the bluest city in America? Portland went Obama by some absurd margin, and I’m in the most liberal working class neighborhood IN Portland. I couldn’t more blue than if I was playing croquet with the Queen of Hearts