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brookly red5/03/2011 4:36:38 pm PDT

re: #149 Naso Tang

16 hours after 10 years of intelligence gathering. As I understand it there was no reason to think he was there for a short visit only.

Are you old enough to remember Carter’s Iran? A pilot mistake caused a ground collission between two aircraft on a desert strip in Iran. Killing several and aborting the mission. It was really the end of Carter’s presidency, and it was pilot error.

This operation could have been very similar. I don’t buy mechanical failure. A pilot made a mistake that resulted in a hard landing in the compound. It could have killed all on board and we could have had a Carter all over again.

Do you think Obama didn’t know that, let alone the possibility of no UBL in the compound?

someone brought up an interesting point today, where was he getting his dialysis? the Pakies had to know…