
Saturday Acoustic Jam: Tommy Emmanuel - From the Hip

CuriousLurker3/22/2014 3:58:48 pm PDT

Oh, lovely. Forbes’ 2013 list of The World’s Most Powerful People puts Putin at #1. Apparently, their methodology largely favors macho dick swinging:

Ranking The World’s Most Powerful People 2013
There are nearly 7.2 billion people on the planet. These are 72 that matter.

First, we ask whether the candidate has power over lots of people. […]

Next we assess the financial resources controlled by each person. […]

Then we determine if the candidate is powerful in multiple spheres. There are only 72 slots on our list so being powerful in just one area is often not enough. […]

Lastly, we make sure that the candidates actively use their power. Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin scores the highest points in 2013 because he so frequently shows his strength at home and on the global stage — consider NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the recent chess match over Syria. […]

Hey, Killgore? Looky here—Khamenei outranks Netanyahu by three places, and the king of Saudi Arabia is wayyyy above both of them:

Forbes: The World’s Most Powerful People 2013

Autocrat, theocrat, absolute monarch, whatever—these are the only people that matter because they have power + money!
