
A Spectacular Fiery Dance Video: Stardust

lawhawk1/03/2015 6:39:52 am PST

Not without a sense of irony:

A white prosecutor who never prosecutes cops utilizes a grand jury process that is completely different than in every other case in nation all to insure that an indictment is not handed down is as much of a kangaroo court process as anything out there.

The criminal justice system isn’t rigged. It’s fixed - to prevent prosecutions of cops who seemingly break the law in myriad ways. Prosecutors work hand in hand with law enforcement, and therefore are not likely to prosecute cops who do bad things, let alone kill people in the line of duty under suspicious circumstances.

And in this case, McCullough put on a witness who was likely to perjure themselves, all because that testimony would back the claim by Darren Wilson that he was in fear of his life; meanwhile all the other witnesses indicated that Wilson shot while Brown had his hands up in surrender.