
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/02/2015 9:36:17 pm PDT

re: #153 Dark_Falcon

That Jim bob and Michelle didn’t handle things right is a given. At a minimum, they should have sent their son away from extensive treatment and rehad. if that made him less inclined to their views, they should have had faith and love strong enough to accept it. But they decided to let “Us Versus Them” outweigh all other considerations.*

*: I know I some get into that same mode, but not to the extremes the Duggers take it.

Well frankly I am just not seeing your point about stigma. Yes sexual assault carries a strong stigma, we all agree about that but don’t you think they owed it to their daughters to have at least gotten Josh out of the home? As for their beliefs, they continued to push this stuff knowing full well what their son had done. Josh happily took a job at the FRC and spread lies about gay people and child molestation knowing what he had done. Jim Bob and Michelle I guarantee you would have been a lot less forgiving of Josh if they had instead caught him with another boy or perhaps smoking a joint. It also bothers me that they paraded their family as an example of Christian virtue for years knowing what had happened.