
Image of the Week: A Global Mosaic of Pluto in True Color

blueraven7/25/2015 8:37:07 am PDT

Drama at the home front this morning. There is a fawn stuck in my wrought iron fence. He has his front legs through to the other side (the wooded area) where his mother is close by. But he cant get his hip area though.

I dont know how he got inside the fence, but he probably got in sometime overnight. I tired to coax him out, but he doesn’t get “back up”.

Tried to throw a blanket over his back legs, so he couldn’t kick the shit out of me, and pull him out. That didn’t work as he struggled and screamed and screeched like a sacrificial lamb. Mama was ready to jump the fence and attack me.

So now I am back in the house after opening all the gates to the fenced area (3 of them) hoping Mama will come in and get him out somehow.

Mr blue is out. Maybe when he gets home…together we can get him out.

It is not so hot right now, but expect to get up to near 100 today.