
Anti-Gay Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Not Complying With Court Order

ObserverArt9/22/2015 7:31:03 am PDT

Hey…I was able to load and log in under 2 minutes. Wooohooo!

I wanted to get in and join in a bit about the VW cheating issues.

I have posted before I am a long time VW fanatic. It all started in 1978 when I bought a used Audi 100 LS…a car that no one seemed to like, but I loved it. Sure it was quirky with inboard mounted front brake rotors…but drive on an ice covered road and those inboard front brakes on one of the first front-wheel-drive cars in America and you understood the engineering. Smash those brakes on a dry road and that car would slide straight on, no pitching one way or the other.

And then I bought a low-miles ‘79 Rabbit in the early 80s and drove that for a few years until some guy ran a red light and I clobbered him in the intersection…totaled. But it showed it was a tough little car in the crash and I loved to drive it.

Then I discovered all the after-market performance parts you could buy for VWs and I have bought nothing else since. 2 Golfs, 2 GTIs, 2 Early Rabbits, and most recent a Newer Rabbit. I’ve loved every mile. They have all been great performers, great mileage, fun to drive and long lasting. I’ve been very lucky with very few repairs that are not normal wear related.

And now this. I am pissed, sad and disillusioned. I can’t believe they did this. I really have no idea what to think. All my cars have been gasoline models, so there is that, but if I bought a new one it very well might be one of the diesels.
