
Some Fine Finger-Picking From Gareth Pearson: "Mr. Spontaneous"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/13/2020 8:37:58 pm PDT

re: #148 calochortus

I’m happy to say, most people I see here are wearing masks if they are indoors, or outdoors and anywhere near another person. Of course, I’m spending very little out and about, so there could be plenty of idiots around.

Most people here are too, despite conservatopia. What gets me is store staff seem to be the ones not complying with masks.

I could do like others suggested, find a different store, but then I’d starve. Tough to boycott a supermarket when it’s the only one in sixty miles, and those other ones aren’t complying either.

Reading other people’s stories here and other sites, it seems strange to me the customers are complying and the employees are not.