
Gorgeous New Live Track From Julian Lage: "Nothing Happens Here"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))2/10/2024 3:26:56 am PST

re: #153 Dr Lizardo

Then again, I really can’t imagine some rando Trumpite having some epiphany at one of his rallies and suddenly blurting out, “Hey, you’re full of shit, old man!”

I have written off 30% of the electorate.

The winning strategy in 2016 was to make sure that their people got out in droves while generating enouth apathy and indifference among the remaining voters to keep them at home.

The big change in 2020 was the disastrous way that the President handled Covid, which got Democratic voters out in record numbers.

In 2022 it was Dobbs and in 2024 it will likely be his multiple indictments/convictions and his thinly veiled threats of instituting fascism.