
Auto Industry Bankruptcy Watch

Nerdy Fish5/28/2009 12:49:26 pm PDT

I’ve been a Chevrolet maniac since the day I was born. It runs in my blood, you might say. But given the transition to Government Motors and the new federal mandate for “green” cars, I’m going to have to look elsewhere for my automotive needs. I drive larger vehicles for a variety of reasons:
1) I’m a larger guy. I won’t fit in a Mini Cooper, for sure.
2) I do lots of moving and hauling of bulky stuff. I’m a do-it-yourselfer and an engineer. Deal.
3) I got involved in a serious accident four years ago that totaled my beloved 1991 Chevrolet. Getting hit that hard puts a new perspective on just how much vehicle size does matter when it comes to surviving getting hit by a dump truck.
I think it’s safe to say that the government does NOT look favorably on me right now.