
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

Gus3/25/2010 2:23:57 am PDT

re: #150 iceweasel

The paranoia and lunacy at National Review:

Congratulations, Democrats
You won dirty, and have nationalized health care by proxy. JONAH GOLDBERG

Sunday’s Socialist Triumph
The Battle of Capitol Hill is over; the Battle of the Electorate is about to begin. TONY BLANKLEY

An Off-Budget Office?
The CBO is like a computer: Garbage in, garbage out. The numbers in the health-care bill are especially smelly garbage. THOMAS SOWELL

How Goldberg see this as a win by proxy is beyond me. He must be living in a different reality. They won fair and square just as the GOP did when they held a majority. He needs to grow up. NRO has gone down the toilet.