
Glenn Beck Promotes Book by Antisemitic Nazi Sympathizer

Eclectic Infidel6/05/2010 9:44:21 pm PDT

For once I’m without words. I was going to inquire if this is some twisted Mormon thing but I don’t want to disparage all Mormons. Where the fuck is Beck going with this? Has he been denounced by any other Fox News commentators?


I just got home from an early b-day party. Tomorrow is Israel in the Gardens so I didn’t want to say too late - anyway I am home now but I wanted to share that the highlight of the party was having the opportunity to hold a 3 month old baby girl named Cora. She fussed a little bit but soon fell fast asleep, allowing her mother to eat some ice cream cake. I traded cake time for baby time. The ex and I never had kids so it’s really special to me when I get to hold such a precious child.