
Sen. Grassley: God Wanted Us to Pack Heat

Bagua6/29/2010 11:18:15 pm PDT

re: #146 kreyagg

It’s a recent interest. I found myself wondering why there isn’t either a Palestinian state or why Palestinians aren’t voting and placing members in the Knesset in proportion to their votes. It’s as simple as that.

I grew up with the standard American education about Isreal, which was basically Jews are good and Palestinians/Muslims are bad terrorists (all of them).

So I start reading Haaretz and listening to the BBC and discover that wow, Israel can do bad things too. Also I learned that somehow you magically hate Isreal and Jews too if you bother to mention that maybe Israel, or Israeli policy rather, is part of the problem too.

Those two sites are very biased against Israel. If you were sincerely interested, you would read a variety of sites including those not biased against Israel. For you to pronounce judgements based on such reading shows bad faith.