
Teabagger Fail in Madison, with Half Governor and Breitbart

zora4/16/2011 12:24:41 pm PDT

re: #106 allegro

Oh my… whoever said there were racists in the Tea Party?

In fairness, at least a couple of GOPers are offended by it too and calling for her resignation.

from the link:

Michael J. Schroeder, an Orange County resident and former chairman of the California Republican Party, also said he was disgusted.

“This is a three strikes situation for Marilyn Davenport,” Schroeder said. “She was a passionate defender of former Newport Beach city councilman Dick Nichols who stated that he was voting against putting in more grass at Corona del Mar’s beach because, he said, there were already ‘too many Mexicans on the beach.’ She was also on the wrong side of the fence with the Los Alamitos mayor and his White House watermelon patch picture. Now, she has managed to top both of those incidents by comparing African Americans to monkeys. She has disgraced herself and needs to resign. If she doesn’t, the Republican Party must remove her.”

vile woman.