
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

allegro8/24/2011 12:21:34 pm PDT

re: #149 ralphieboy

This is a movement with a long history: they felt badly burned by Ronald Reagan, who pandered to the religious right but was quick to drop them - as soon as Nancy’s house astrologer told her the time was propitious.

So they set about to quietly insinuate their people into all levels of government, society, media, education, public service, etc…

They are not going to tip their hand until it is time for theif big Power Play, which I suspect they see is coming down soon.

What I have found to be frustrating is that this was never a secret. I remember hearing about their plans a good 30 years ago. They started with school boards and local offices, moving up to state level positions, then national, building a nationwide network. They started these think tanks and focused media efforts that we’ve been watching develop to bring us to this point. This was all spelled out very clearly.

It has also been pretty much ignored as a story of interest to the media and the public apparently. Whenever I’ve brought it up over the past many years I have gotten mostly blank stares like I’m making shit up.