
Astounding: FL Lt. Gov. Bashes Science and Evolution, Calls for Christian Theocracy

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin9/23/2011 1:24:10 pm PDT

re: #153 Rightwingconspirator

Evangelism takes on each technology as available. I’m not offended by it, I just turn the channel. 1st amendment activity.

I do not get your point about the Crystal Cathedral. Or Jim & Tammy, it’s just TV preaching. Not my cup of tea but again that is protected activity. Coalitioning with like minded folks is also a rather ordinary activity.

Do yo object to the very existence of evangelical Christianity? Or just it’s popularity?

I am a direct product of evangelical Christianity, in many different ways.

I don’t object to the existence of any kind of Christianity - where do you get that from? You are likely aware, though, that many of the people in question do object to my existence — I learn of it every day in the posts on LGF about what they say about us / .

I do happen to know why it’s popular, and it’s mostly because of the Evangelical — specifically Pentecostal — embrace of technology, which gave us televangelism as we know it. Dr. Robert Schuller (Crystal Cathedral) is actually an anomaly in the televangelist/megachurch because he is Reformed Church in America, not what we normally think of as Evangelical — he’s one of the few that is not Pentecostal/Charismatic. Anyway unlike their Fundamentlaist peers, they have never feared it and always used it.

Aimee Semple MacPherson is one of the best examples. Without her work in radio and entertainment, we wouldn’t have today’s televangelists.

So these “inroads” we are talking about dates back much further than their use of Web 2.0 and the like. It’s part of a long tradition of theirs. You may have changed the channel when they came on, but many, many, many others do not, ask me how I know.