
Birther Loon Donald Trump's RNC Appearance Canceled Due to Weather

Targetpractice8/26/2012 6:16:39 pm PDT

From the “Blind Squirrel Finds Nut” folder, Aqua Buddah speaks up about one of the GOP’s sacred cows:

Rand Paul’s message to Republican convention: ‘Audit the Pentagon’

TAMPA — Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul will use his prime-time speaking slot at the Republican National Convention to urge party members to be more open to scrutinizing military spending, a position that puts him in the minority within the GOP.

Paul made the remarks Sunday when he addressed thousands of supporters at a rally for his father, former Republican presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, at the University of South Florida.

“Because we’ve talked about audit the Fed so much, we’re now talking about audit the Pentagon,” Paul told the crowd. “Now, because of Hurricane Isaac, it’s not sure whether my message will get to the Republican National Convention, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to be able speak. And one of the messages that I will give to them is that Republicans need to acknowledge that not every dollar is well spent or sacred in the military and we have to look for ways to make every department accountable.

Paul will speak at the convention between 7:00 and 8:00 PM eastern time Tuesday, according to an updated schedule made public Sunday.

Both Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, have vowed to increase defense spending if elected.

I should note that the Pentagon has been whining for years that its accounting and budgeting is so convoluted, that it actually has to spend time and money getting itself “audit ready.”