
Video: Rachel Maddow on the Horrible SCOTUS Decision Allowing Anti-Choice Protesters to Harass Women

ObserverArt6/27/2014 7:04:55 am PDT

re: #152 TedStriker

Umm, what?

It is my opinion. I am not a lawyer or a judge. It is just the opinion of a member of this blog. One shared by at least one other if you read all the comments.

So, my opinion has no bearing on the law.

I think I know where you are going and are going to say it is a legal ruling backed by law and the Constitution and they gave a strict ruling…obvioulsy with a 9-0 decision. I understand that.

But that does not mean that it is still not naive due to the problems that one ruling is going to cause in a whole bunch of other laws.

So, let me ask this. Could the Court have tossed it out saying that some form of protection for a patient going to a clinic is needed and toss it back into the laps of lawmakers to come up with something that will pass SCOTUS ruling and allow the law to stand until a better replacement can be drawn up?

And if anyone thinks this isn’t going to cause real problems and maybe real safety issues…then they are naive. And yes…a judge can be naive.

Again…my opinion. It has no bearing on actual law. So no need to worry about an opinion, right?