
New Michael Brown Shooting Witnesses: Brown Had His Hands Up When He Was Shot to Death

A Mom Anon9/11/2014 12:47:57 pm PDT

re: #146 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Sigh. Yesterday it was bitching about the speech before the speech was given. Not a word about it since though.

I just reconnected with a group of friends that I had been out of touch with for a long time. To the last one, they are all right wing conservatives, some of them even birthers, which freaks me the fuck out. These were total Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll people in the 80s, and now a lot of them are born again or super Christian. It’s like they replaced all the fun stuff with hate, fear and racism disguised as patriotism and Christianity. One of the biggest druggies of the group is in seminary school now and going into prison ministry (she however doesn’t seem to be as off the rails as some of the others). It’s a weird thing, these are really nice people, kind, their kids are all really cool, they care for each other like a big family, etc. I’m really thinking if they find out I’m liberal they’ll dump us, which would suck but not shock me really. But I can only take so much of this shit, it’s bound to get uncomfortable at some point. Sigh. THIS is the shit the GOP has done to the country that they really need to be taken to task for. Making people afraid of each other is just what the 9/11 attackers were hoping for and they got their wish.