
Inexcusable: Ferguson Police Wear Armbands Saying, "I Am Darren Wilson"

Lidane9/24/2014 12:56:51 pm PDT

Forbes Drops Contributor for Column on ‘Drunk Female Students’ and Frats

Forbes magazine has dumped contributor Bill Frezza after a controversial column he wrote about how drunk female students are a threat to fraternities all over the country.

Frezza contended that fraternities simply don’t have proper guidelines in place to deal with drunk girls who show up, and “it is precisely those irresponsible women that the brothers must be trained to identify and protect against, because all it takes is one to bring an entire fraternity system down.”

And hours after his column got noticed, Forbes told the New York Daily News that Frezza is no longer a contributor. Frezza still stands by his argument, and is glad that his piece helped spur on a conversation.