
Sociopaths Salivating Over Adult Dating Site Hack

HRH Stanley Sea5/22/2015 1:35:03 pm PDT

re: #134 makeitstop

Gawker’s got a timeline which points out that Josh’s behavior was talked about on the web well before the Duggars got their TV show.

You have to ask if TLC/Discovery knew about this, but decided that their hot new property was worth turning a blind eye.

Who was this person running for Senator? So many people knew.

Since that time the same boy was betrothed again to the same girl. He was working very hard on a campaingn for U.S. Senate for the girls father. The father lost the campaign. He immediately began looking for “sin in the camp”, as that could be the only explanation for the loss. He found that the young man betrothed to his daughter, had committed sexual sins(?) while on the campaign trail. The young man, now 16, was made to stand in fornt of the church and confess his sin. He was then told that the campaign was lost due to his sin.