
Obama Cries Over Children Killed in Gun Violence, Conservatives Mock Him

klys (maker of Silmarils)1/05/2016 12:28:29 pm PST

re: #137 Blind Frog Belly White

I found there’s one breed of cats that trigger my allergies - Burmese. The alcoholic chainsmoking ex-Army Lesbians who lived next door in SF had them, and whenever I visited I’d start sniffling within minutes. They bred and showed them.

Then I confirmed it when visiting a coworker who also bred and showed Burmese. Same symptoms.

We had cats at the time and never a sniffle, but half an hour there - or worse, having dinner there - and I’d end up with itchy eyes and a mild wheeze.

The cat mr. klys had when we started dating was Burmese. He’d gotten her from a friend when she had moved in with her then-boyfriend, who didn’t want cats. Purebred, but had come at a discount because her meow sounded like she had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years.

I miss her. Even if she did trigger my allergies something fierce when we first started dating. I took a lot of Benadryl those first few months, and then the exposure finally kicked in and I stopped flaring up as much.