
Saturday Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "Nobody Loves Me but My Mother"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/05/2016 2:10:21 pm PDT

re: #149 BeachDem

She’s got it covered. According to Robbie Mook:

Hillary Clinton has built a new political coalition.

The first part of the Clinton coalition is made up of Latino voters. The Latino vote has increased 120%-130%. The second part of Clinton coalition is Asian-American voters who have seen a 90% increase in early voting turnout. The third part of the new Clinton coalition is suburban women. Millennials are supporting Clinton after eight years of backing President Obama. The final piece of the Clinton coalition is African-Americans. African-American early voting turnout is 22% higher than in 2012.

I was actually sort of joking about the Republicans finding a way to offend them. She does appear to be building a new coalition based off strong parts of Obama’s. Mook’s done a hell of a job by the way. I really like how and who Clinton has hired for her staff this time versus eight years ago. It’s made a big difference. Maybe Mook should be considered for DNC chair?