
Countdown to Trump Freakout: New York Times Publishes Op-Ed by Anonymous Administration Member: "Unstable, Half-Baked, Ill-Informed, Reckless"

KGxvi9/05/2018 3:37:17 pm PDT

re: #151 Kragar

I think it’s possible to hold all of these positions:

1. Trump’s domestic policy is good
2. Trump’s foreign policy is bad
3. Trump is a personal embarrassment to the office
4. Trump is not a smart person

If you believe, as a healthy portion of the population does, in a significant portion of Trump’s agenda, it’s not entirely illogical landing point.

It’s wrong because his lack of intellectual curiosity and behavior should be more than enough to disqualify him before you even get to the merits of his policies (most of which are very bad no good terrible).