
Khaled Abu Toameh on the West Bank and Gaza

Dave the.....2/02/2009 1:30:46 pm PST

We talk about how well the liberals in the US are good a politicizing everything to try to convert people (they show Algore’s movies at my workplace for example). And two of my favorite subjects is left wing Protestant churches, and how good the Palestinian-Arabs and Christians are good with PR (launch rockets at Israeli civilians, then hid amongst your own civilians to try to get casualties for PR purposes).

Was visiting the parents recently and went to church with them. Was reading the church’s newsletter. Palestinian-Christians brought over all the leaders of this church to the mideast. Took them on a victim tour. Then the bishops came back to the US to talk about how horrible and evil the Israelis are. It’s sad and funny at the same time to read what they wrote about the trip. It goes something like this:

“We met Mary. Mary is sad because her father cannot get to work due to the separation barrier. Mary cannot understand why the Israeli’s are so mean. She asked us what’s it’s like in America, where one can travel to visit your sick grandmother without getting searched many times for no reason. We told her that Israel should end the illegal occupation.”