
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

Sharmuta5/21/2009 2:21:00 pm PDT

Perhaps some of you recall the Ramsey Clarke quote I posted a few weeks ago how the root sources of crime were things like poverty, and lack of beauty. That is why those of the unconstrained vision think of the terrorists as victims- they are sympathetic figures because their dire circumstances lead them to crime (or in this case, terrorism). This is why they want to effect societal change- so these supposed “root causes” no longer cause crime because they no longer exist.

The constrained vision realizes that crime is a natural part of human nature, and the best way to combat it is through laws and upholding them. The whole “crime doesn’t pay” mind set. Most of us don’t commit crimes because the trade-off isn’t worth it. We don’t want to be punished. No need for societal change because the choices are obvious.

The “root causes” will always be with us, as will human nature. The best way to deal with them is to live by the rule of law and uphold it. In the case of Guantanamo, upholding our rule of law by detaining terrorists has protected society- not just American society, but the societies of others as well.