
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

subsailor6810/02/2009 11:32:59 am PDT

re: #127 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

Good grief! Doesn’t Carper realize the irony here?

Carper described the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as “arcane,” “confusing,” “hard stuff to understand,” and “incomprehensible.” He likened it to the “gibberish” used in credit card disclosure forms.

Question for you Mr. Carper: are you proud to be involved in a process that is intentionally designed to confuse the very people who sent you there to represent them? Well?

And to top it all off - to admit that you can’t understand the legislation you will be called upon to vote (for or against)?