
Radical Imam Killed in Dearborn Raid

Walter L. Newton10/29/2009 10:29:49 am PDT

re: #143 webevintage

Yep that sucks.
We had to get both a washing machine and a dishwasher ealier this year when they both gave up the ghost within a month of each other.
The dishwasher we had planned on, but not the washer (I loved my washing machine and had had it repaired a few times)…for some reason mu husband refused to buy me the $1100 washer with the steam level. I think there is a small deduction (if i remember from doing the taxes last year) for getting energy star appliances.?

Up to 1500 dollars this year. If the damn thing works. We purchased a 3000 dollar pellet stove from England Stove Co. in Va., 250 pounds of cast iron, and I have had to replace pasts twice on it and take it apart a total of 4 times, and it has not worked since the day the shippers arrive with it.

And they won’t pay for any of the labor (I know enough about this stove, I should be working for them now) and now they tell me if I want my money back, I have to speak to Home Depot. This was purchased on line from Home Depot Speciality Channel, and now I am having trouble getting anyone from Home Depot to call.

It cost 600 dollars to have it installed, which we are going to have to eat.
