
Virginia Governor McDonnell and the Neo-Confederates

Cato the Elder4/07/2010 11:07:39 am PDT

re: #132 Spider Mensch

if I lived in Baltimore…so would I…;^)

LOL. Touch!

Actually it’s a simple matter of memory space. I have genius friends who have the entire periodic table of elements memorized and know who’s on first at any given moment.

All of my ROM goes for languages and rhymes.

As for baseball, I’m lucky I still remember the rules of the game from my vermiculated youth, when I was relegated to left field by default.

My dad is a scientist, my mother a linguist, and the sports gene expressed itself in me via long-distance bicycle riding in summer and speed-skating in winter.

Everything else is a total mystery to me, especially things like $14 million contracts for being able to catch a ball.