
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

ausador11/09/2010 4:21:05 pm PST


The LAMESTREAM Media are at it again! This week they have been exposed plotting to take over America’s new media, with the erection of a network of 13-story mega-mosques on every street corner, including driveways. The LAMESTREAM Media may try to tell you otherwise with evidence and sources and all that jazz, but I say they’re all a drones for GEORGE SOROS! That’s why we need more people like Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, as if he were alive, he would ban sharia law from the courts, because not only did we apparently have such a thing going in our courts on on a daily basis, but America’s courts are no place for the consideration of international laws like the Ten Commandments or the Magna Carta. The LAMESTREAM Media can go back to wherever the laws they defend come from!