
Religious Right Groups Call on CPAC to Eject GOProud, Like Buckley Ejected the John Birch Society

DaddyG11/23/2010 12:13:46 pm PST

re: #149 Fozzie Bear

Well, I think that this dichotomy is proof that it is perfectly possible to arrive at the same conclusions from many different angles.

If you were to sit down and write out a list of basic rules for living, yours derived from your beliefs, I (a stanch secular humanist) would probably agree with at least 90% of the items on that list.

I have many smart alek responses to that statement (that I agree with). But its a straight line that cannot be passed up. Choose your poison:
-See, God can inspire even the most hellbound atheist. /
-You can’t help it your western society is steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition. /
-And its the 10% that you are going to hell for. /