
New Poll: 51% of Likely GOP Voters Are Birthers

Captain Ron2/15/2011 5:07:59 pm PST

re: #148 Dmon

Kasich is trying to take away collective bargaing in Ohio, with GOP controll it could very likely happen. I am union firefighters here. There are whole bunch of shellshocked tea party firefighters at the firehouse, when I give them shit about voting the Republicans in, they say, “We didn’t think they would do this”. I ask them if they thoughtthey had just been kidding for the last 30 years when they said that public unions had to go. I also tell them not to worry, once we get our pay cut in half, I’m sure we’ll get a $300 per year tax cut to make up for it… Talk about voting against your own interests…

Wisconsin is rising up. Even the Green Bay Packers called him out on it. There will be protests in the Capitol all week. I think this kind of stupidity from the Tea Party type politicians will be knocked down by next year.