
James Taylor Live: Jump Up Behind Me

Ziggy_TARDIS4/10/2012 7:19:07 pm PDT

re: #147 Hoodies for Justice. T

Not too sure. I’m dreadfully curious.

More on the South China Sea Incident:

On Tuesday, Filipino sailors from the warship boarded the Chinese vessels for an inspection, discovering large amounts of illegally collected corals, giant clams and live sharks inside the first boat, the department said in a statement.

Two Chinese maritime surveillance ships, identified as Zhonggou Haijian 75 and Zhonggou Haijian 84, later approached and positioned themselves between the Philippine warship and the Chinese fishing vessels “thus preventing the arrests of the erring Chinese fishermen,” the statement said.

China openly flouts International Law much worse than we do, and that doesn’t touch on their abuse of the Tibetans and Uyghurs.

However, the Philippines found a helper in Vietnam.

Faced with China’s formidable military, the Philippines and Vietnam have forged closer ties. Aside from military accords, the two countries agreed to set up a hotline between their coast guards and maritime police to monitor maritime incidents, such as piracy and incursions into their territorial waters.

Philippine navy chief Vice Adm. Alexander Pama said Tuesday that Philippine and Vietnamese sailors agreed to play football and basketball matches in the islands they occupy in the Spratlys in a novel way to build trust in the contested region.

China is forcing all of its neighbors to band together against it. When China begins to collapse, it will turn into an hour of wolves. I, for one, think the US should let these nations have their fun once China implodes. Give them 5-10 years before trying to stop whatever they want to do.