
The Right Wing's Phony Freak-Out Over Joe Biden's 'Chains' Remark

Lidane8/16/2012 12:48:09 pm PDT

And this is a good thing how, exactly?

Steve King: I’ll Be A Player In The Romney-Ryan White House

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) told Iowans yesterday that if Romney-Ryan wins in November, he’s going to have a direct line to the top.

“I’m going to work to put my good friend Paul Ryan in as vice president and we’re going to have a strong voice from Iowa right there in the West Wing and sometimes in the Oval Office of the White House,” King told a crowd at the Iowa State Fair Wednesday. “Your voice will be heard in Washington, D.C. And Iowans will lead with our values, our work ethic, for the rest of the country.”

This isn’t the first time King has said he has Ryan’s ear.

“Paul listens to me,” King told the Washington Post this week.

King suggested at the state fair that the GOP presidential ticket is already coming to him for advice.