
Live Video: 2012 Dem Convention Day 2

Lidane9/05/2012 5:25:38 pm PDT

re: #148 ElCapitanAmerica

You should give a damn as far as how it affects the president from winning, as a loss would definetely impact you. Sorry if I’m sounding too tactical, but like you I have issues that are high priority and require the admin win over Romeny/Ryan.

The people who consider abortion a high priority issue are going to vote Romney anyway, since they’re going to be the rabid pro-life types.

The Democrats are correct in talking about women’s health issues and about healthcare, including abortion. But what I’ve seen so far is more about equity, such as the line about being a woman no longer being a pre-existing condition, and about giving women empowerment with respect to their healthcare coverage. I haven’t seen any speakers so far talking about abortion as much as they have talked about women deciding what is right for themselves.