
Great Moments in GOP Election Fraud: Dinesh D'Souza Indicted

Dark_Falcon1/23/2014 8:24:25 pm PST

Here’s a story that’ll trip Alex Jones’ trigger:

Military gives Utah police MRAP, grenade launchers

The Department of Defense recently gave the Utah Highway Patrol a mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle (MRAP), various weaponry and other military surplus equipment as part of their 1033 Program.

According to an audit conducted April 2013, Utah’s law enforcement agencies have received $2.8 million worth of military gear. In total, 62 local police forces and three statewide agencies have enlisted in the program, but it was the UHP that most recently received an MRAP, The Salt Lake Tribune reports.

“Obviously, it is intimidating,” Utah Highway Patrol Lt. Alex Lepley said of his office’s newly acquired MRAP. “But that isn’t its primary purpose. It’s saving lives. I can drive this right through the middle of a gunfight.”

Since 2011 Utah police have received multiple MRAPs, four grenade launchers, 1,230 rifles, 17 .45-caliber pistols, medical gear, camera equipment, pliers, emergency blankets, and various other equipment.